Multiple Supplier Management

Globalisation has changed the playing field for businesses, in particular manufacturing companies. There is the opportunity to reach customers in foreign markets and supplier relationships are now on a global scale. However, this brings with it the added risk of external factors such as natural disasters, political instability and currency fluctuations. Now, more than ever, … Read more

How to Estimate Sales Projections

Having an accurate estimate of the volume of sales that are likely to close, facilitates the smooth operation of many other business departments. The ‘leads to sales ratio’ is a measure that can guide the efficiency of the production and purchasing functions. While it is only ever an estimateand businesses should never completely rely on this … Read more

What is Customer Lifecycle Management?

Customer Lifecycle Management is turning business on it’s head, focusing on customer needs first, and delivering profits for the long term. Bump into anyone from Flowlens, and it won’t be long before you hear the term ‘customer lifecycle management’, or CLM for short. But what is it? Depending on your role in the business, there … Read more

You can’t Improve your Business Technology without a Vision

Businesses that innovate survive. Technology enables efficient processes and provides what every management team craves – a single, reliable version of the truth. The world is changing and our customer’s demands and needs are changing too. Sustainability is now a core value that has taken hold in sectors across the economy. Traditional ways of working … Read more

Get Smart about Sales Management and Boost Profitability

Your sales function is essential to growing your business. If you don’t get the basics right your operations team, your customers and your bank manager could have a big problem. Have you come across any of these scenarios in your business? Inaccurate customer requirements and last minute changes to the specification Customer promises that are … Read more

When is a start-up not a start-up?

Welcome to Flowlens. As the new kids on the block we could be considered a start-up, but in actual fact we’re not. We like to think we’ve taken the best bits about starting a new company – the enthusiasm, the best possible team, the opportunities, the shiny new business cards – and avoided the common … Read more