You can’t Improve your Business Technology without a Vision

Businesses that innovate survive. Technology enables efficient processes and provides what every management team craves – a single, reliable version of the truth. The world is changing and our customer’s demands and needs are changing too. Sustainability is now a core value that has taken hold in sectors across the economy. Traditional ways of working … Read more

From Spreadsheet Hell to One Version of the Truth: What every CEO wants

Most business leaders crave a single, reliable version of the truth. This, above all else, gives confidence and decision making capability. Taking control of overblown, spaghetti-like business processes is easier than you think. How most business processes are created Most businesses, after a certain amount of trial, error, fire fighting and furrowed brows, figure out … Read more

Are Spreadsheets Holding your Business Back?

If you have growth ambitions for your business, register now to learn how to unlock the information in your business. Spreadsheets are the most common way of managing information in businesses. They’re quick to create, easy to share and offer endless possibilities. And, when you’re not looking, they multiply, like weeds! Whenever there’s a new … Read more