Flowlens integrated CRM and Manufacturing software tools

Flowlens Product Updates March – 2021

Check out the latest updates to Flowlens including important updates on our accounts software integrations, stock and CRM features.

We’ve made a number of updates and improvements to Flowlens, please read on for details. As ever, please contact support@flowlens.com for queries.

Finance & Accounting Integrations

Xero Users:

  • In response to feedback from customers, the ability to Authorise invoices in Flowlens will be removed. Invoices will be sent to Xero in Draft state – with Authorisation / Sending of Invoices done from Xero. Xero will update the authorised status of the invoice to Flowlens on a daily basis. This has been removed in response to feedback from customers and helps avoid invoices being authorised by users who won’t necessarily have access to Xero and ensures a more robust authorisation step in the process.
  • All credit notes and invoices now get automatically refreshed on Xero at 2.00am if changes have been made to them.

Sage Users

  • The ability to add nominal accounts, and tax rates, has been removed on Settings pages as this data is provided via the integration.
  • Supplier Invoice Numbers are pushed to the ‘Ex Ref’ field on Sage. The Flowlens Invoice Number is now pushed to the ‘Ref’ field.

Xero, Sage & QuickBooks Users

  • Against Invoices and credit note line items, customers can now bulk update nominal accounts and tax codes.

Operations & Stock Management

  • Against Job Cards, customers now have the option to ‘complete’ & dispatch individual assets before the whole job card is completed.
  • For the Parts Importer template, the 4 new fields that are stored against parts for commercial invoices i.e. Weight (KG), Country of Origin, Sales Commodity Code and Purchase Commodity code have been added. These fields are also available in the Parts in Import Format Report. Please ensure you’ve downloaded the latest template for importing and or updating part information.
  • Delivery Address has been added to the Commercial Invoice PDF along with a field for Country of Origin.
  • On the Purchase Order GRN (Goods Received Note) pop-up, an update allows users to hover over the part number, and see the line items description.
  • Initial Stock take – an initial upload for new customers. A CSV template can be downloaded and completed for all the parts that are non-assertable and trackable with the part names down the left of the csv, and the part locations all listed along the top. Users enter the number of the part in each location, then upload it and Flowlens works out the total amount.

CRM, Sales & Marketing

  • On the Sales Quotations index page the totals on the top dashboard have been updated to include: draft, sent, accepted by customer, converted to order, declined by customer, total (net). A column for net total and total price can now be seen on the sales quote index, and also when downloaded in a csv.
  • Against marketing lists, the ‘company type’ dropdown is multi-select when doing bulk update for company or contact.
  • A New Widget has been created on the Sales Lead index for ’Sales Lead Value by Stage.’
  • On the Companies import template a field for EORI number has been added, to match the new field against Companies for Commercial Invoices.
  • Against Form Template questions, an Address Search field type has been added.
  • The Contacts index page now displays an email address column which is the Contact’s stored email address.