Global Underwater Hub are featuring two Flowlens customers – Flint Subsea and Denatec in a webinar on January 13th 2022. Register Here.
Gareth Black is Technical Director at Flint Subsea Limited and Nathan Peel is Engineering Director at Denatec Ltd.
Gareth and Nathan will share their digital transformation stories and the significant commercial benefits those journeys continue to generate.
Many SMEs find themselves at a point where their existing manual business processes have become barriers to growth. Demonstrating scalable, consistent quality and control systems is a must for manufacturers working in the subsea engineering sector.
In the webinar, speakers will describe:
●essential steps in deciding what system you need
●planning and implementing the change of systems
●tweaking processes to suit the chosen system
●Integrating cloud accounts software for seamless data transfer
●why bespoke software wasn’t necessary
●benefits of being ‘always audit ready’ for ISO and customer audits
●why getting your team on board with the change is the secret to success.